Popular Services

Order a computer, Recycle a technology device, setup a new computer, move technology to a new location

Update content on any of the college website properties or request new pages be created.

Request a data investigation and possible reporting change if there are questions or concerns related to the validity of the information provided.

New software purchase or existing software renewal.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Create or Update an Email List, Verify Email Address Lists, and get help with Secure Email sending and receiving

Onboarding, Offboarding and Employee Position Changes

Cognos is a web-based reporting platform. It uses data that has been entered in Banner and updates 3 times per day.

College transcripts, academic records

Pull data from one or multiple areas to use in decision-making. Different formats and methods are available.

Covers audio/video systems, computers, smartboards, document cameras, projectors and other technology devices in the classroom and labs.

It’s essential for Technology Services to have a clear understanding of the software requirements in the faculty computer labs. By completing this survey, faculty members can contribute to a more efficient and well-equipped learning environment for students.

Add or Change Budget Code, Move a Printer, Add or Change Budget Code, Key Fob Printing

My Northeast (Banner Self-Service)

questions about the college like hours of operation, semester start and end dates, and other general questions

Change or Reset Your MyAccount Password - Request a username change

TI-Nspire™ Student Software provides students with the ability to work beyond the classroom by taking what they’ve started in class on their handhelds and finishing it elsewhere on a PC or Mac® laptop or desktop.

TI-Nspire™ Teacher Software delivers an intuitive interface to help educators save time preparing assignments and tests and demonstrating important concepts in class. The built-in TI-SmartView™ emulator for TI-Nspire™ technology enables teachers to project a full interactive graphing calculator alongside a large handheld screen, making it easier to visualize multiple representations and keystrokes.

WinPrism and WebPrism are Bookstore operations applications

Request help with a survey to collect data from students, employees, or other individuals.

Phone settings, phone numbers and voicemail help.

Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) adopted by the college.

Use this service to submit a new project request with Technology Services.

Banner and Banner Admin general assistance

Precision farming is about answering questions that can make you more profitable in all your field activities. SMS Software is an easy-to-use, decision-making tool that helps you get the most out of every acre.