What Is It?
Use this to request an addition or a modification to software that is delivered through Intune.
Who Is Eligible to Use It?
- Faculty as a requirement for their program on a college-owned device.
- Staff as a requirement of their role on a college-owned device.
- Students as a requirement of their program on a college computer lab device.
Where Can I Get It?
This software needs to be purchased and licensed through Technology Services. Click the "Request Software" button to get started.
What Can I Expect?
Support Tiers
Tier 4 - Best Effort: While approved for use there is no institutional support for the application. Technology Services would make an effort to assist using general technical knowledge. If unable to do so, the user would need to resolve the issue on their own or contact a commercial vendor for assistance.
Tier 3 - Sponsor Support: If students were to contact the Service Center, they refer the user to an individual sponsor, typically an instructor of a given course. The sponsor would work directly with the vendor on any unresolved issues.
Tier 2 - Divisional/Departmental Support: Technology Services resources exist to support the faculty, staff, and students within their respective academic divisions. In cases where individual users contact the Service Center, they receive best-effort support. If unsuccessful, they would refer the user to contact either the instructor of their course or someone in their department with more knowledge of the service. If those additional people are unable to help the unresolved issues would be escalated to the vendor by them.
Tier 1 - Technology Services Support: Faculty, staff, and students who contact support would receive help with escalation to a predefined technology team who provides expert support.