Request a Cognos Report

What Is It?

Cognos is a tool that provides powerful functionality, such as bursting, prompts, maps, and advanced charting, and provides many ways to customize reports.  Since this tool requires an advanced understanding of the data and the functions of the tool - you can request a report to get created for you.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

  • Faculty
  • Staff

Where Can I Get It?

This service is fulfilled through Technology Services.  Click the "Request a Cognos Report" button to get started.

What Can I Expect?

Support Tiers

Tier 1 - Technology Services Support: Faculty, staff, and students who contact support would receive help with escalation to a predefined technology team who provides expert support. 


Request a Cognos Report


Service Offering Id: 2423
Fri 4/14/23 9:34 AM
Fri 4/14/23 9:35 AM