Milestone XProtect

What Is It?

Milestone XProtect is software that can be installed or used through a web browser to view cameras across campus.  

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

  • Physical Plant
  • Maintenance
  • Residence Life
  • Other employees who have supervisor permissions

Where Can I Get It?

This software will be installed through our endpoint management system.  There is also an option for web access.

What Can I Expect?

Support Tiers

Tier 1 - Technology Services Support: Any eligible person who contacts support would receive help with escalation to a predefined Northeast technology team. 

Request Access to Milestone XProtect Software Get Help With Milestone XProtect Software


Service ID: 6701
Thu 2/15/24 7:53 AM
Thu 2/15/24 8:01 AM

Service Offerings (2)

Milestone XProtect Software Access
Use this service offering to request access to the Milestone XProtect software.
Milestone XProtect Software Help
Use this service offering to request help with the Milestone XProtect software.