Step 1: Open File Explorer.
Step 2: Open the following path: \\fileserv\ServiceCenter\Applications and find the LS_Agent folder.
Step 3: Copy the LS_Agent folder to the C:\ Drive of the computer you want to install LS Agent on. **You might have to use a flash drive to get this over to the computer if it is not Domain Joined**
Step 4: Open command prompt (CMD) as an Administrator.
Step 5: Enter the following command: cd C:\LS_Agent\Windows and press enter.
Step 6: Enter the following command: Install.cmd and press enter.
Step 7: When the install is finished you can close out of the command prompt window.
Step 8: Permanently delete the LS_Agent folder off of the C:\ Drive. You can do this by right clicking the LS_Agent folder and HOLD SHIFT + CLICKING DELETE
Step 9: Click Yes to permanently delete the LS_Agent off of the C:\ Drive and the recycling bin.