AAHB-220 Classroom Technology Use

Tags tv LG AAHB-220

How to get Started:

  1. Log in to the computer
  2. Assure that the audio output on the PC is set to the “Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (HDL300)” to use the wall-mounted sound bar
  3. Turn on the TV using the LG remote

When Completed:

  1. Sign out of the computer
  2. Turn off the TV using the LG remote


TV Issues:

  • Assure that the display source is set to HDMI 1
    • This can be done by cycling through the inputs using the INPUT button on the top of the LG remote

Computer Issues:

  • Display
    • Assure that the Project settings on the computer are set to “Extend” or “Duplicate”
      • For Extend, press Windows Key + P then click “Extend”Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
      • For Duplicate, right click on the background of the desktop then click Display SettingsUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
      • Click on the monitor with 2 on it
      • Click on the bottom right drop-down box and select “Duplicate desktop on 2 and 3”Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
      • Select “Keep Changes” on the pop-up window
  • Audio
    • Assure that the Sound Output is set to “Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (HDL300)”
      • This can be done by clicking on the Media Center (button with the Wi-Fi and Sound icons in them)
      • Click on the Sound Output button next to the volume slider
      • Select “Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (HDL300)”