LLLC-O127 Classroom Technology Use

How to get Started:

  1. Press the Creston touch screen device on the wall
  2. Plug an HDMI cable into a laptop and into the port in the center of the table
  3. Press the Laptop button on the Creston device

How to use AirMedia:

  1. Press the AirMedia button on the Creston device
  2. Type in the link on the bottom left of the TV screen into a internet browser
  3. Click on the Start Presenting button then press the Open button on the popup tab
    1. You will need to have Creston AirMedia downloaded on the device to continue. You can download it by pressing the button below “Don't have the AirMedia Application already?”.
  4. Type in in the code on the bottom left of the TV screen then click the Connect button
    1. If a window pops up for Firewall Permission, just click the cancel button

How to use PC:

  1. Press the PC button on the Creston touch screen device
  2. Use the provided mouse and keyboard to log into your account
    1. If a mouse and keyboard aren’t present, please message Lynda Kassmeier about this

When Completed:

  1. Unplug the HDMI cable from the laptop or disconnect from the Creston AirMedia app
  2. Press the Power Off button on the top left of the Creston Device
  3. Clear and wipe down the white board if it was used and don’t leave any trash in the room