How to Install Examplify


How to install Examplify.


Step 1: Go to \\fileserv\ServiceCenter\Applications\Non-Intune-Compatible-Apps

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Step 2: Copy the Examplify folder

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Step 3: Paste the Examplify folder to the C:\ Drive​​​​​​​

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Step 4: Open PowerShell ISE as an Administrator.​​​​​​​

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Step 5: Click the "Show Script Pane Right"​​​​​​​

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Step 6: Click the "Show Script Pane Top"​​​​​​​

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Step 7: Copy the following scripts and paste them in the script pane.


## Change Directory

cd C:\Examplify


## Run the PowerShell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install.ps1


## Change Directory

cd C:\WINDOWS\system32


## Add a delay to ensure the script has completed

Start-Sleep -Seconds 5


## Stop any processes related to Examplify

Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*Examplify*" } | Stop-Process -Force


## Add a delay to ensure processes have stopped

Start-Sleep -Seconds 5


## Permanently delete the Examplify folder

Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false C:\Examplify


## Restart the computer

Shutdown /r /t 0​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Step 8: Click Run Script or hit F5​​​​​​​

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Step 9: Install is complete!



Article ID: 15871
Thu 11/14/24 8:50 AM
Thu 11/14/24 8:50 AM